Court of Roma
Tribunale Civileviale Giulio Cesare, 54/b - Via Damiata 12 – Viale Delle Milizie 3/e 00192 Romatelefoni: 06 - 35771 (centralino)fax: 06 - 3577202 Settore Lavorotelefoni: 06 - 323981 (centralino)presidenza E Dirigenzavia Golametto, 11 (p.le Clodio) 0

n. 633 judicial auctions

Court of Roma
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If you have performed a search search with the procedure number Note that the number relative to the year can be entered both with four digits that only with the last two, eg 1234/05 or 1234/2005 to indicate the procedure nr.1234 of the year 2005.

If you have performed a note bankruptcy note that is usually expressed with the reference "FALL." followed by a space and a serial number, a separation bar and from the year expressed only with the last two digits or extended. Ex. Fall.1234/05 or Fall.1234/2005 To indicate the failure nr.1234 of the year 2005.

The date of sale must be expressed in the d/m/y format. Ex. 13/06/2008 for 13 June 2008.

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